Acne (pimple) Tips and Natural Treatments

Natural treatment methods are cheaper and always a better choice for acne due to less exposure to drugs and chemical-laden acne products. Living with acne can be very difficult, and even more difficult to find just the right acne treatment for you. Keeping your skin clear doesn't have to be a trying experience with so many cheaper natural treatments available today.

The most common types of pimples are whiteheads, blackheads, papules, pustules, nodules and cysts. While almost all young people experience acne at least once, it's been reported that 47% of those in their 20s and 30% of those in their 30s had acne. Acne rosacea is a red rash predominantly on the face. People of all races and ages have acne.

Doctors think certain factors might cause or contribute to acne including hormone increases in teenage years, hormone changes in pregnancy, starting or stopping birth control pills, heredity, medicines and greasy make-up. The liver gets rid of toxins from bad food, drugs and chemicals and sends them through the skin resulting in eruptions, acne, pimples and other skin disorders. I think the cause of acne is related to our acidic, inflammatory 'standard American diet' (SAD) and that would also influence all of our hormones including stress hormones.

Besides acne, if you also have eczema or dry skin, coconut oil will treat those skin conditions too. Remember, that even the most gentle and natural products you might use to clean your face can leave your skin a bit dry; use coconut oil as an excellent way to re-hydrate the skin after using any acne commercial or natural cleanser. There are many natural acne home remedies; you may have to try several to find one that works best for your skin type.

A skin specialist in New York is using the new red light-blue light combination therapy to treat severe cases of acne successfully; ask your skin doctor or dermatologist if he's familiar with it. Shave carefully and try both electric and safety razors to see which works best for you. Some natural home remedies include dabbing on non-gel toothpaste or lemon juice to dry out zits.

A new, non-invasive treatment using red light and blue light in combination has been extremely successful on severe acne. Try applying a thin layer of coconut oil and massaging it deep into the skin to heal and soothe the affected area. If you wear make-up choose it carefully; it should be oil free.

If you're going to buy acne products, it's much more worth your while to buy acne-treating products that work against current pimples and prevent the occurrence of new ones. Acne and its treatment is one of the most misunderstood topics there is when it comes to acne skin care. This is a little messy but you can try making a paste by mixing three tablespoons of honey and one teaspoon of cinnamon together and applying the paste on your pimples at bedtime for two weeks, and wash it off each morning; honey has anti-bacterial action - a cheap, natural home remedy.
end of part one
Second part will be posted after 7 days

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