8 Tips toGet Rid of Acne in 10 Days

Do you look in the mirror and see pimples, blackheads and more bumps all over your face and in the most embarrassing places like right on your lips? Do you look at other people’s Acne free faces and wonder what it will be like to have smooth and even skin and not be told by sympathetic friends and relatives trying to console you that “It’s not what’s on the outside that counts but what is on the inside…”

(Bet you hear this and go…yeah, that’s easy for you to say, you don’t have acne!)

Disease is an attempt of the body to rid itself of these toxins and since, according to Dr. Stanley Burroughs, the skin is the next most important eliminating organ (second only to the lungs), acne is merely an indication that you need to cleanse yourself internally and take simple measures to alleviate the outer symptoms as the cleanse proceeds. Once you have done internal cleansing than you can move on to the external cleansing to reduce Acne marks

Just how does one do an internal cleanse to reduce acne?

As a preliminary stage to a fast and as a suggested dietetic lifestyle, if you are serious about curing your acne and keeping it off, you must make a change in your diet and eliminate all mucus (acid) forming foods such as processed (junk) foods, fast foods, confectioneries, soft-drinks and eat more wholesome and natural foods like your fresh fruits and leafy vegetables, nuts, root vegetables, fresh juices-basically foods that are mucus (alkaline-forming) binding. As a result here is a suggested daily menu plan.

Menu to reduce Acne

A choice of the following
1.A tall glass of Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice.
2.A tall glass of Fresh squeezed lemonade flavored with genuine maple
Syrup (the darker the grade the better)

A mono-meal of an organic fruit in season for example
Apples in the fall and winter, Melons in the summer, Berries in spring.

Fresh, home-made salads.
A simple dressing could be
(a)Lemon juice, olive oil and un-iodized sea-salt
(b)Avocadoes or Green coconuts blended with tomatoes and some sea salt


Raw and/or cooked root vegetables such as Celery, Carrots, Potatoes, Plantains, raw or slightly heated fruit veggies (these can be blended into Soups or dressings for your salads)

Now that I have briefly covered the internal measures to reducing acne, let’s go over the external ones to reduce pimple marks.

1. Never repeat the use of a pillowcase in 2 days, always change them nightly so get 7 clean ones. Be conscious of how they are folded to ensure you sleep on the unexposed side upon unfolding the pillowcases if you want to reduce acne.

2. As much as possible, keep unwashed hands off the pimples on your face, if you must touch it, say for example, to scratch an itch, ensure to use the back of your hands.

3. Try to sleep on your right side. Besides making your sleep more refreshing, this practice ensures that you keep your face and pimples off of the pillow and freer to breathe during the night.

4. Wash your hair with a mild shampoo every night especially if you use greasy hair products, or use a wrap-around nightcap that covers the hair and ensure the cap is washed every morning. It really helps in Acne.

5. Make frequent visits to the steam room of a gymnasium or you can steam the face and pimples at home as an alternative. The aim here is to aid the skin in eliminating toxins through sweating.

6. Massage the face regularly as this not only aids in cleansing the face, but it firms up the skin and alleviates unwanted signs of aging such as crow’s feet, bags under the eyes, lines and wrinkles.

7. Engage in some form of exercise to aid the body in detoxification and metabolism.

8. Women need to avoid spreading heavy makeup to cover their scars and pimples since all that will do is plug up your skin's pores even more. Be sure to remove your makeup every night or else your acne will get even worse.

1 comment:

LoVe Is LiViNg said...

Steaming the facce n massaaging the face at regular gaps ......that tip was really gr8